Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Project 3: Comic Book

Broken Colour

Story Synopsis: The theme of the story is to appreciate what you have. In this case it’s colour. The story begins with Alex and his crew discovering the control centre to the city. He accidentally pulls something which ends up making the world lose its colour. In the end, the world regains its colour when the people learn to appreciate what they have. 





IS Students

Mr. Allen

Designer 1: Alex - Splash Page

"For this photo I used many different techniques to make this picture the way I wanted it to look. Half of the photo is black and white while the other half is filled in with color."

Designer 2: Serena - Page 1

Layer, filter, layer style
Serena – Designer 2 (Page 2)
Speech bubbles: I used the Rectangular Elliptical Tool, Fill Tool, and Pen Tool (for the triangle).
Captions: I used the Text Tool.
Cropping photos: I used the Rectangular Elliptical Tool to select the unwanted area and deleted (a quick, effective method).
For page 4 (I helped Nick)
Gradual colour fade:
I duplicated the photo, made one copy B&W, kept the other in colour, and used the Eraser Tool in a large size to erase part of one.

 Designer 3: Olivia - Page 2

"I took the color out of all the photos. I made the speech bubbles and put all the pictures onto the page. For this project we used layers to put the text boxes on the photos. For the text in our speech bubbles, we used Microsoft Sans Serif, italicized and all capitals. For the captions we used Garamond, bold and all capitals." 

Designer 4: Nick - Page 3

Photography Techniques

This photo displays a worm's eye view, leading lines, and a deep DOF.

Framing, contrast, rule of thirds, medium DOF.

Repetition, shallow DOF.

Rule of thirds.

Rule of thirds, Deep depth of field. 

Rule of thirds. 

Bird's eye view.

Rule of thirds, medium depth of field. 

Rule of thirds.

Rule of thirds.

Leading lines.

Leading lines.

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